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Mouth breathing in children

Mouth breathing in children

Mouth-breathing is a very common problem seen in children. It can be

a. Habitual

b. Obstructive– due to any nasal airway obstruction like deviated nasal septum, enlarged tonsils, adenoids, nasal polyps etc.

c. Anatomic– due to short upper lips

Problems due to mouth-breathing:

1. Dry lips and dry mouth

2. Increased risk for cavities

3. Bad breath

4. Changes in facial structure- flared open nostrils, long face (adenoid facies), narrow upper arch with high palatal vault, crossbites, convex facial profile

5. Poor quality sleep (snoring, waking up grumpy)

6. Learning difficulties due to poor quality sleep

7. Fatigue or tiredness.

8. Chronic sinus and ear infections

If nasal obstruction is ruled out after consultation with an ENT specialist, the habit needs to be corrected using appliances like oral screen, double oral screen, pre-orthodontic trainers etc.

Pre-orthodontic trainer